Source code for molpy.molpy

A really cool molecule manipulation package.

Handles the primary functions

import numpy as np
from .util import distance

[docs]def canvas(with_attribution=True): """ Placeholder function to show example docstring (NumPy format) Replace this function and doc string for your own project Parameters ---------- with_attribution : bool, Optional, default: True Set whether or not to display who the quote is from Returns ------- quote : str Compiled string including quote and optional attribution """ quote = "The code is but a canvas to our imagination." if with_attribution: quote += "\n\t- Adapted from Henry David Thoreau" return quote
class Molecule: def __init__(self, symbols, geometry): self.symbols = np.asarray(symbols, dtype=str) self.geometry = np.asarray(geometry, dtype=float) if len(self.geometry.shape) != 2: self.geometry = self.geometry.reshape(-1, 3) if self.symbols.shape[0] != self.geometry.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Symbol and geometry length does not match!") def distance(self, index1, index2): return distance(self.geometry[index1], self.geometry[index2]) if __name__ == "__main__": # Do something if this file is invoked on its own print(canvas())